Zombies are always a favorite go-to Halloween costume. Why not make it unique?
It happens all the time. You get invited to a killer Halloween party and you can’t think of what to wear. Don’t lame out and go with a t-shirt that has “Costume” printed on the front. Creating a zombie look can be quick and if you have a little extra time go all out. Only how many Zombies are dragging their left leg around the streets during Halloween? Too many!
All you have to do is pick another icon character and combine it with a Zombie and presto! You’re now going to stand out at the party. Googz & Co. has a few ideas that you should get your imagination going.
1. Zombie Claus
Not only is a Santa Claus costume unexpected for Halloween, but darken it up and this is a hit. Top it off with a sack full of body parts and pass them out to all the good boys and ghouls.
2. Undead Bunyan
Everyone has a plaid, flannel shirt in their closet. Pull that out and grow or add a fake beard. Then find something that resembles an ax. Bam! Paul Bunyan. Now all you have to do is add your favorite zombie touch.
3. Found Waldo in the Grave
Glasses, hat and a red and white stripe shirt is all it takes to tip peole off that you are trying to be Waldo. What happens when you find Waldo climbing out of his grave. That’s right a fun new zombie costume.
4. A Cryptdead
With the popularity of all the Cryptozoology shows on TV like Finding Bigfoot this is the perfect time for finding a dead cryptid. This costume is a little more difficult on our scale, but if you can get your hands on a gorilla suit from any halloween shop, you have a start of a Bigfoot costume. Now just add some guts and carry around a foam brain for that creature zombie look.
5. Merzombie
Now it wouldn’t be Halloween with out the sexy costume for you girls. Your different, you like sexy, but those Halloween store bought costumes are too obvious. Here is a way to make a spooky, sexy Mermaid. You already have that little bikini top (if you can’t fashion one out of a couple of shells) now you just have to buy some sparkly or watery looking fabric to wrap around your lower half. However, instead of that girly make-up go for the special effect make up. A Merzombie!